Well since this is my first post, I thought I'd talk about where I live. I live in a town called Umhlanga (in Zulu it means place of reeds) which is situated in a city called Durban (Zulu name Ethekwini). Durban is found on the east coast of South Africa. It has a sub-tropical climate and is very popular as a holiday destination as our motto this year promotes "Durban is the warmest place to be in 2010" for the Soccer World Cup.
Anyways you now know where I live, so I will share why I feel I need a Blog a bit and bit more about myself. First off, I've just recently returned back from an amazing trip in Australia and New Zealand, this really did open my eyes to the possibilities and benefits of living outside of Africa, but in hindsight while I was travelling I really began to realize that I was taking many things I get to experience here in South Africa for granted. For example our amazing array of wild life (which you'll soon learn I'm avidly passionate for), our beautiful scenery, our amazing cultures and just the array of interesting and different people. So when I arrived home I decided that I will document and share what I get up too here in South Africa and any travels I may do in the future. Well you've probably already figured that I've got the bug to travel and hopefully I'll have the oppurtunity to do it again, you'll also soon learn I have a keen interest in photography so hopefully you'll enjoy my nature photography, I'm also a keen Scuba Diver and a general out doors man. Anyways thought I'd post one recent wild life trip so enjoy :)
Frogging and Wildlife Mission, Mount Moreland
On Sunday night myself and my friend Tyrone decided to go for a little mission, this was a spur of the moment thing. So we hadn't really prepared ourselves too well. It wasn't the greatest of nights for reptiles but for frogs we really out did ourselves plus we had one really rare encounter, that some bird enthusiasts might enjoy.
Species encountered:
Kwazulu Dwarf Chameleon
Bradypodion melanocephalum
Red Toad
Schismaderma carens
Guttural Toad
Bufo gutturalis
Natal Forest Tree Frogs
Leptopelis natalensis
Painted Reed Frogs
Hyperolius marmoratus
Greater Leaf Folding Frogs
Afrixalus fornasinii
Snoring Puddle Frogs
Phrybobatrachus natalensis
Common River Frogs
Afrana angolensis
Tinker Reed Frogs
Hyperolius tuberilinguis
Natal Forest Tree Frogs Leptopelis natalensis
Painted Reed Frogs Hyperolius marmoratus
Tinker Reed Frogs Hyperolius tuberilinguis
Greater Leaf Folding Frogs Afrixalus fornasinii
Never thought I'd see a Palmnut Vulture, let alone down the road from where I live these are reported to be very rare raptors, we came across this one roosting in some pine trees near the Umhlanga River. Anyways hopefully this is just a taste for many things to come.